A different kind of seafood

Spamfest event last weekend in Qualicum Bay attracts more than 150 people

One of the Spam-based dishes at the recent Spamfest.

One of the Spam-based dishes at the recent Spamfest.

The Vancouver Island Cruisers’ Spamfest has come and gone for another year and the leftover Spambrosia salad, Spam sushi and Spamhenge pizza have been carted away till next year.

“It just started as a fun gathering a few years ago of some of us who don’t belong to the other car groups,” said Thomas Russell.

More than 130 cars and even more people gathered for the third annual picnic, this year held at the Big Qualicum First Nations campground last weekend.

There was no competition at the fun casual gathering meant purely as a social event that drew a huge variety of cars including Model Ts, classics to roadsters and British cars.

“It is amazing how food of questionable origin and disguise can be made to look so appetizing,” Russell said boasting of the Spam concoctions including chocolate chip cookies, potato salad, cheese and meat spreads, shish kabobs, guacamole and a “Saskatchewan seafood dinner.”

Parksville Qualicum Beach News