A town councillor would like to see a fishing dock added to harbour area of Port McNeill.

A town councillor would like to see a fishing dock added to harbour area of Port McNeill.

A fishing dock for Port McNeill?

The town will ask the federal government for the materials left over from recent work on the harbour

Coun. Graham MacDonald wants to see a fishing dock built in Port McNeill.

MacDonald managed to get a motion passed at town council’s meeting last week that will see the town ask the federal government for the materials left over from recent work on the harbour.

“We have an opportunity to put a fishing dock in Port McNeill,” said MacDonald. “We have leftover material from the work they’re (Small Craft Harbours) doing. I would like to have (harbour manager) Pete (Nelson-Smith) keep track of the materials so that we don’t give them away or sell them, and we can build it and put it together and save us some money. I think it would be a great accent to the harbour. The feedback from the community is they would like to have one.”

“I’m hearing a motion that Pete keep track of the excess materials to set them aside for a possible fishing dock?” asked Coun. Shelley Downey.

MacDonald confirmed that was what he was after and Downey asked Nelson-Smith for input.

“The floats that Graham’s referring to are owned by Small Craft Harbours (federal government),” said Nelson-Smith.

“That’s a negotiation we’d have to have with Small Craft Harbours to re-applicate them as a fishing dock. Right now we’ve moved them to storage, but they are still owned by Small Craft Harbours.”

“So we would need permission?” asked Downey.

“That is correct,” said Nelson-Smith.

Council passed a motion to seek permission from Small Craft Harbours to use leftover materials to build a fishing dock at the harbour.

North Island Gazette