A hug a day keeps the blues away

Residents of the Qualicum Manor were giving away free hugs Tuesday morning in uptown Qualicum Beach.

Althea Rose runs for a hug from Audrey Barker and Joy Shimek in Qualicum Beach Tuesday morning.

Althea Rose runs for a hug from Audrey Barker and Joy Shimek in Qualicum Beach Tuesday morning.

I admit it. I needed a hug. So I got five of them Tuesday morning in Qualicum Beach after News reader Shelea Meyers called to report there were free hugs on offer.

They were being offered by a group of ladies from the Qualicum Manor seniors care facility. Manor employee Julie Starkey said she got the idea from a video on YouTube and asked a few of the residents if they’d like to try offering hugs to people in Qualicum Beach.

The idea was going over like gangbusters, as people stopped for hugs — even stopping their cars in the middle of Memorial Avenue to ran over for an embrace.

“It has been overwhelming so far,” said Starkey.

It seems plenty of people in town needed a hug today. At least six people took advantage of the friendly embrace.

“It’s just fun,” said Joy Shimek, who was offering the free hugs with three other ladies. “We could all use a hug once in a while.”

“A hug a day, and there’d be no sickness anymore,” added Audrey Barker.

Starkey said the ladies may do it all again soon — if the weather stays nice.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News