A labour of love

The Butch Taylor Memorial Truck Show takes place this weekend at Heritage Acres in Central Saanich

Ron Basi’s truck will be one of many trucks on display during the Butch Taylor Memorial Truck Show at Heritage Acres this weekend.

Ron Basi’s truck will be one of many trucks on display during the Butch Taylor Memorial Truck Show at Heritage Acres this weekend.

Around seven dozen big rigs are expected at Heritage Acres this weekend for The Butch Taylor Memorial Truck Show.

The ninth annual show, which was named after a local trucking icon, runs Saturday and Sunday and benefits the B.C. Children’s Hospital.

“The show is put on every year by the Island Big Rig Club,” explained one of the event organizers, North Saanich resident Ron Basi.

“It’s a wonderful event because it not only gets truckers together to network and share stories and advice, but it also allows the public a glimpse into the these trucks that they might otherwise not get,” Basi explained.

“Normally people see trucks as slow moving, loud, smoke belching things that are in the way. The show gives us a chance to give back to the community and let people find out more about what we do and who we are.”

Basi, who owns rigs himself as well as CSTT Driver Training School and Jencam Transport (both on Mills Road in Sidney) said the show attracts drivers from all around B.C.

“Most of the trucks at the show are every day working trucks that the drivers take pride in. Owning and driving rigs like these is a labour of love. I’ve been a truck driver for 37 years and I can honestly say I feel like I’ve never worked a day in my life,” he laughed.

Basi said the show saw close to 100 trucks and drivers attend last year and expects close to the same numbers this year.

“I always try and get out to shows around the area. I was in Duncan two weeks ago for a show and last year a bunch of us went to Yakima, Washington for a big show there. It’s fun because you meet different people and get new ideas. It really brings people who have pride in their rides together.”

Since the beginning of the show at Heritage Acres, the Island Big Rig Club has donated over $30,000 to the B.C. Children’s Hospital.

“Heritage Acres is the perfect venue for the show,” Basi said.

“This year the trains will be running as well as we will have a bouncy castle and all the regular displays at Heritage Acres will be open as well.”

The show runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday and admission at the gate to Heritage Acres is by donation.

“It’s a really fun event for both the drivers who participate as well as the people who come out to enjoy it,” said Basi.





Peninsula News Review