Langley's Keian Blundell died of cancer on New Year's Day. He was only six. This was the last family photo shoot he did in October 2013 before his cancer got worse.

Langley's Keian Blundell died of cancer on New Year's Day. He was only six. This was the last family photo shoot he did in October 2013 before his cancer got worse.

A light has gone out in Langley

Six-year-old Keian Blundell died of cancer on New Year's Day. The community came together raising a record amount for him in August.

A little boy from Langley who touched many hearts has died of cancer.

Keian Blundell, who was six-years-old, passed away in his parents loving arms on Jan. 1 after a long, hard battle with leukemia. His parents, Chantal and Ryan, are heartbroken, said family friends.

Keian was diagnosed in 2012, just after his little brother Joren was born. Keian began a third round of treatment at the end of July, but in October doctors gave his parents the news that treatments were no longer working and they were moved to Canuck Place.

In that time, Keian, very much in pain, was still thinking of others. His wish for Christmas was to do a toy drive for kids living at Canucks Place and at B.C. Children’s Hospital. His cause brought more than 300 toys that he saw delivered to both places.

Prior to Christmas, Make-A-Wish fulfilled a dream of Keian’s to have a big carnival, with rides and games. An indoor facility was transformed into a carnival for him.

It was in August 2013, that Langley residents were asked to donate their bottles to help out Keian’s parents who have both taken time away from work to spend with their son.

Ryan has exhausted his employment insurance benefits and the family has had to give up their rental home in Langley. The Langley community responded, making Keian’s collection the biggest bottle drive to ever happen in Langley.

Chantal and Ryan are temporarily living in an apartment in Vancouver provided by the hospital. They are there with  Joren.

According to family friend Megan Sedawie Creasy, they have had no money coming in for a long time.

“This family needs as much financial help as emotional through these next few months,” she said.

Family and friends hope the community can help again. There is a fundraising page where people can donate here.

The page said $40,000 has been raised which is amazing, but it has been what the Blundells have survived on, so far, through this horrible journey, Creasy said.

Langley Times