The museum sent a 90th birthday card to the queen.

The museum sent a 90th birthday card to the queen.

A Royal thank you to Pitt Meadows Museum

Letter took a week to arrive from Buckingham Palace.

  • Oct. 19, 2016 5:00 p.m.

The Pitt Meadows Museum has received a “Royal Thank You.”

This past Pitt Meadows Day, the museum sent a 90th birthday card to Queen Elizabeth the Second.

The card contained original artwork and a couple of hundred well wishes and signatures from individuals who visited the museum on Pitt Meadows Day to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the annual event.

The card was sent to Buckingham Palace by mid-June.


On Oct. 4, a thank-you note was in the museum’s postal box.

Written and mailed from England on Sept. 27, it arrived in Pitt Meadows in less than a week.

“The card will go on exhibit until year end and will then be placed in the community archives as part of the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society fond,” said Leslie Norman, curator of the Pitt Meadows Museum.


Visit the Pitt Meadows Museum from 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday and have a peak at the card before it is boxed away. Check out Museum Sunday events by visiting the museum’s  Facebook page.


Maple Ridge News