A story through the eyes of a dog

A story through the eyes of a dog

Author Chris Czajkowski will be signing copies of her latest novel in West Kelowna, Oct. 24

  • Oct. 19, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Dog lovers unite to join author Chris Czajkowski—and her gregarious and lovable pack dog Harry—for a slide show based on her new book, Harry: A Wilderness Dog Saga.

The story takes the reader on a journey which provides a fascinating depiction of living in the wilderness—from a dog’s eye view.

Czajkowski’s presentation, which will be followed by a book signing, is taking place at the Westbank Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 2 p.m.

Featuring photos, illustrations and stories about their other canine companions, the slide presentation portrays their off-the-grid life and how Czajkowski established an ecotourism business, built cabins by hand and scratched out a living for herself and the pack, according to Harbour Publishing.

Harry: A Wilderness Dog Saga is an adventure story that combines Harry’s own observations about his years with Czajkowski with reminiscences from his other canine companions. He describes how, living in the remote wilderness, the dogs have a rich life, although one not without its difficulties.

Often residing in areas accessible only by float plane, they have encountered grizzlies and cougars, slept in the snow, hiked with packs of food and equipment, and gotten into some perilous scrapes. Harry relates these stories with good humour and many quizzical observations about human behaviour, according to Harbour Publishing.

Czajkowski lives in a small community in the Interior and has written twelve books about her nearly forty years of wilderness living, including: Snowshoes and Spotted Dick: Letters from a Wilderness Dweller, Wildfire in the Wilderness, Ginty’s Ghost: A Wilderness Dweller’s Dream and Lonesome: Memoirs of a Wilderness Dog.

For more information about the slide show, call 250-768-4369.

Kelowna Capital News