A white Christmas in the forecast

Environment Canada calling for flurries in the North Okanagan just in time for Christmas

It’s beginning to look at bit like Christmas.

But it may not last long.

Environment Canada is calling for two to four centimetres of snow today, but come Christmas morning that white stuff could turn to slush as there is a 40 per cent chance of showers.

“By the time you wake up Christmas morning it’s going to be white,” said Doug Lundquist, Environment Canada meteorologist.

“It should stay through until Christmas morning at least and then it will probably start to melt.

“So there is a risk that we will be green.”

But no matter how much or little white stuff falls, Christmas won’t be cancelled.

“St. Nick can land in tropical countries, so we’re going to be OK, he can make it,” said Lundquist.

Plus there is an added bonus to fewer flakes on the ground.

“If we don’t have to shovel a lot we have more time to play with our toys.”

In fact, the odds of a white Christmas have been dwindling over the years.

Between 1964 and 1982, there was a 74 per cent chance of snow for Dec. 25 as an average of nine centimetres was recorded.

Jump to the period of 1991 to 2009, where an average of four centimetres was observed, and the chance of snow drops to 42 per cent.

Today, the average chance in the area is 60 per cent, with a 26 per cent chance of a perfect Christmas (snow on the ground and snow in the air).

“It’s because since about the mid 1980s the climate has warmed and particularly in the winter.”

The forecast into next week calls for rain, but could culminate into some extra powder on the ski hills.

“It probably means there will be more snow dumping in the mountains.”

Overall, December has been drier, sunnier and warmer than usual in Greater Vernon.

Only seven centimetres of snow has fallen, compared to an average of 42 centimetres for December and temperatures have averaged -2.4 (up from temperatures typically at -4.1).


Vernon Morning Star