Credit: Contributed

Credit: Contributed

Abandoned vehicles a common sight in the forest

Kelowna - The Okanagan Forest Task Force found an abandoned truck Sunday

Trashed and abandoned vehicles are a common sight around Kelowna’s forestry services roads, says the founder of the Okanagan Forest Task Force.

A blue truck was found at the bottom of Postill Lake Road Sunday by the OFTF, leaking oil and other fluids into a nearby creek.

Kane Blake, of the OFTF, said members find about two or three abandoned vehicles a month on cleanup searches.

“There’s nothing you can find in the bush now that wouldn’t surprise me. Other than finding a plane or a tank, it wouldn’t surprise me,” he said.

Blake listed Gillard Forest Service Road as another bad location for dumping. The OFTF pulled 13 tonnes of garbage out of six kilometres of road, he said.

“It’s a never-ending battle. Every cleanup we do, you can go back a week later and you would never know (we cleaned it.)”

He’s calling on the province to have stiffer laws for illegal dumping since the cycle continues, even after local media attention. “I don’t care if it’s yard waste or a vehicle, it should all be treated the same.”

He wishes there is a ban on glass bottles in the forestry areas, as the glass left behind can cause a forest fire, he said.

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