Abbotsford breaks record with 34 C heat

Hottest temperature on record for the day and ehat expected to continue for two more days

  • Aug. 18, 2016 8:00 p.m.
Abbotsford breaks record with 34 C heat

Abbotsford broke a heat record for Aug. 18, with temperatures reaching over 34 C around 2 p.m., temperature for the day on record.

The previous record for Aug. 18 was set in 1965, when the thermostat peaked at 32.2 C. Temperatures have been recorded in Abbotsford since 1944.

“We have certainly returned to the heat,” said Environment Canada meteorologist Lisa Coldwells. “We haven’t seen heat like this since early June.”

The 34.1 C heat blaring down on Abbotsord is not a record for the whole month of August, however. That honour goes to Aug. 17, 1977 when the weather reached 36.3 C.

While Thursday is expected to be the hottest this week, the coming days won’t cool by very much, according to Coldwells.

Both Friday and Saturday are forecasted for temperatures above 30 C.

Starting on Saturday afternoon, a breath of cool air, known as a ‘marine push’ will sweep through the region, resulting in a much cooler Sunday and a forecasted high of 22 C.

Coldwells suggests people use that day to take care of anything active they need to do outdoors.

Sunday will likely be the exception, however, with temperatures expected to rebound and rise once more through next week, possibly reaching the low 30s once more.

Abbotsford News