Abbotsford decries DNA ‘download’

Provincial agreement expected to cost Abbotsford $86,000 more each year.

Abbotsford decries DNA 'download'

Council has added their voice to those worried about municipalities being forced to pick up the increasing costs of DNA analysis services.

In January, the province signed an agreement that would see it pay an ongoing sum of $1.36 million every year, even if police costs associated with the testing of DNA rise.

The decision is expected to cost the city, which sets the Abbotsford Police Department’s budget, $86,000 each year.

In a report to council, city manager George Murray said the move was one more instance of federal and provincial governments downloading costs to municipalities, who have no choice but to pick up the tab.

In his report, he noted that cities take heat for increasing taxes to address issues that have been pushed onto municipalities by senior governments, homelessness being one such example.

“This is another download from the provincial to the local government and we’re the end of the line,” Mayor Henry Braun said.

Council voted unanimously to support a letter sent to the province by the District of Kent, and to send copies to an array of local politicians, including local MLAs Simon Gibson, Mike de Jong and Darryl Plecas.

Abbotsford News