Abbotsford man charged with child porn offences

Sean Joshua LeBlanc, 22, was arrested at his west Abbotsford home last Thursday.

An Abbotsford man has been charged with child porn offences, following an investigation that began in January.

Sean Joshua LeBlanc, 22, was arrested last Thursday for possession of child pornography, importing/distributing child pornography, and luring a person under the age of 16.

Const. Ian MacDonald said Leblanc was charged following the execution of a search warrant at his west Abbotsford residence.

MacDonald said both U.S. and Canadian authorities were involved in the investigation.

He could not provide specifics of the charges, but said there is the possibility that other alleged incidents and offences could have occurred.

According to the provincial court database, the charges relate to offences that occurred in October 2008, December 2012 and January 2013.

LeBlanc has been released from prison on $1,000 bail. He is next scheduled to appear in Abbotsford provincial court on June 3.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Abbotsford Police Department at 604-859-5225 or text 222973 (abbypd).

Abbotsford News