Abbotsford man charged with possessing and distributing child porn

Lukas Litten, 35, was arrested and charged on Thursday

Lukas Litten

Lukas Litten

An Abbotsford man has been charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.

Lukas Michael Litten, 35, has been released from custody on $600 bail and under court-ordered conditions.

The major crime unit of the Abbotsford Police Department began an investigation into the matter in October 2013, based on work conducted by an APD detective.

Const. Ian MacDonald said the detective has “proactively gone after any and all evidence” on these types of cases for the last three years or so.

“Almost all of these investigations are a result of his work and diligence. Sometimes there are tips, sometimes he finds the evidence. Either way, he makes it his focus,” MacDonald said.

Police executed a search warrant at a central Abbotsford home on July 24 and seized several items, including computers, hard drives and storage devices.

Litten was arrested and charged yesterday (Thursday).

Conditions of his release include: not to communicate with or be alone with anyone under the age of 18; not to attend any place, such as a public park, school ground or recreation centre, where children under the age of 18 could be present; and not to possess or use a device capable of connecting to the Internet.

According to the provincial court database, Litten has no prior criminal record. He is next scheduled to appear Aug. 11 in Abbotsford provincial court.

According to an online search, Litten has previously lived in Oregon and Washington.

He is listed as one of two registrants of a former business called “Dalazy Boyz,” based in Springfield, Ore., but the listing does not indicate what product or service the business sold.


Abbotsford News