Abbotsford teachers to hold ‘solidarity demonstration’

'Nice peaceful demonstration' to be held by Abbotsford teachers as a reminder to parents that they still do not have a collective agreement.

Abbotsford teachers are being invited to participate in a “solidarity demonstration” this Thursday.

Jeff Dunton, president of the Abbotsford District Teachers’ Association (ADTA), said participating teachers will stand outside local schools, off school property, for about 15 minutes after the last bell rings.

They will hold signs that carry messages such as “Your kids matter” and “Abbotsford teachers care.”

Dunton said the idea is to have a “nice peaceful demonstration” as parents pick up their kids from school.

He said because job action has been so low-key, many people might not realize that teachers are still on strike.

Teachers across B.C. have been in phase one of their job action since September while their union, the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), is in contract negotiations with the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association.

This phase involves teachers carrying out only classroom work and not taking part in such things as staff meetings and issuing report cards.

It is not known if, and when, job action will escalate.

The BCTF’s demands include pay parity with other provinces, the restoration of class size limits, and improvements to paid leaves, including up to 10 days off for the death of any friend or relative.

Abbotsford News