The “Prepared. Period.” drive will collect menstrual products for the Abbotsford Food Bank throughout May.

The “Prepared. Period.” drive will collect menstrual products for the Abbotsford Food Bank throughout May.

Abbotsford woman collecting menstrual products for food bank

Women often have to choose between food and tampons, organizer says

While the essentials in life – food, clothes, shelter – come to many in Abbotsford with relative ease, for others a trip to the food bank or other charity is sometimes needed.

But what happens when the food bank doesn’t have basic items you need?

Abbotsford resident Danielle Windecker says women often have to choose between buying menstrual products and feeding themselves and their family. That’s why she’s starting the “Prepared. Period.” drive May 1 to 31 to gather menstrual hygiene products such as pads, tampons and Lunapads from local residents, businesses and community organizations.

“Anyone who menstruates and needs access to the food bank can benefit from having hygiene products provided to them,”

Windecker said in a release. “Even those of us who work full-time notice how expensive a box of tampons or pads can be, let alone extras like pain relief for cramps. I can’t imagine having to choose between eating or having a tampon, and I don’t want others in my community to have to make that choice either.”

Anyone interested in helping collect products for the drive can contact Windecker – – for a donation box, which she’ll distribute through Abbotsford businesses and organizations throughout April. The donations will then be collected during the first week of June to be delivered to the Abbotsford Food Bank.

Abbotsford News