Abbott’s support increases

There are two less people seeking the Liberal leadership, and that’s benefitted one of the remaining candidates.

  • Feb. 17, 2011 8:00 a.m.
Shuswap MLA George Abbott thanks Vancouver-Langara MLA Moira Stilwell in Victoria Wednesday after Stilwell quit her own leadership bid to endorse Abbott for B.C. Liberal leader and premier.

Shuswap MLA George Abbott thanks Vancouver-Langara MLA Moira Stilwell in Victoria Wednesday after Stilwell quit her own leadership bid to endorse Abbott for B.C. Liberal leader and premier.

There are two less people seeking the Liberal leadership, and that’s benefitted one of the remaining candidates.

Moira Stilwell and Ed Mayne have ceased their leadership bids and are throwing their support behind Shuswap MLA George Abbott to become premier.

“What is clear to me is that our party must choose the leader who can best unite our coalition on both a political and a regional level so that we can defeat the NDP in 2013,” said Stilwell.

“I believe that leader is George Abbott.”

Before she launched her leadership campaign Nov. 22, the Vancouver-Langara MLA was the minister of regional economic and skills development. Previously, she held the advanced education portfolio.

“She has contributed a wealth of professional and personal experience to the cabinet table and to this leadership race, and I am absolutely honoured that she has chosen to lend me her support to become the next premier of B.C.” said Abbott.

Mayne is the former mayor of Parksville.

“I came into this race because I wanted to put good governance before politics, and bring citizens back into government decisions,” said Mayne.

“Hands down, George Abbott is the candidate that I trust to make that happen.”

Abbott believes Mayne brought considerable personal and professional experience to the leadership race.

“His no-nonsense approach to real public issues has been a valuable contribution to this race and our party’s renewal,” said Abbott.

Stilwell and Mayne are now among 19 other ministers, MLAs and former leadership candidates who have put their support behind Abbott. They include Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA.

Besides Abbott, the other Liberal leadership candidates are Christy Clark, Kevin Falcon and Mike de Jong.

Vernon Morning Star