Accident demolishes Revelations Salon’s front windows

The front of the building will need extensive repairs. Luckily there were no serious injuries inside the salon.

  • Oct. 3, 2016 6:00 p.m.
Crash into Revalations

Crash into Revalations

Shortly after 3 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 28, a late model vehicle crashed through the frontage of the Revelations hair salon on Railway Avenue.

There were no serious injuries, though Susan McLean, who was in the salon with her family at the time, suffered a gash to her arm and her daughter Cecilia suffered a cut on her face from flying glass. They were both transported to Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops and treated for their injuries. Susan’s other daughter, Vivian suffered bruising but was not cut.

Esther Darlington, who was a customer in the salon at the time, reports that the vehicle jumped the curb and sidewalk and penetrated into the salon. The impact had patrons scattering to protect themselves from flying glass and debris. Police and ambulance crews attended, and the vehicle was towed away shortly after the accident.

RCMP advise the Journal that no charges are being laid.

The owner of Revelations, Pamela Aie, is taking it all in her stride. “I had a feeling this was going to happen one day,” she said. “We shall be open for business as usual on Friday, though customers will have to enter through the building’s rear door, as we shall be without windows until replacements arrive.”

Pamela said that her business is fully covered by insurance, and that the building’s owners have indicated that they will be installing some kind of barrier to prevent this happening again.


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal