Activities coming up this summer in Houston and area

Events coming up: Gospel Festival, Houston Drags, Barbecue discussion, All Nations Feast, Downtown Merchant Festival and Houston Mud Drags.

Gospel Festival

The Houston Gospel Festival is coming up July 13 and 14 at the Jamie Baxter Park.

The event will have musicians, speakers and skits running in the Amphitheatre all weekend, and will have barbecues both nights.

There will be concession on Saturday, run by the ladies from the ‘Love by the Bowl’ Houston soup kitchen, which closed for the summer in May, and a children’s tent will be set up in the park with toys and activities.

Highlight performances include Country Gospel artist Karen Cruise, Vanderhoof-based worship band Veneration X, First Nations artist Cheryl Bear, and evangelist speaker Barima Dankwa from Centre Street Church in Calgary.

The Seniors Centre will have informational exhibits, and a song writing workshop Saturday at 2 p.m., put on my musician Al Tramphuh.

Everyone welcome.

Houston Drag Races

The annual Houston Drags are ready to race July 20 and 21 at the Houston airport.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend, and for more information contact Mardy at 250-846-5824.

Barbecue Discussion

Rob Newell, Regional District Director of Area “G,”  is organizing a barbecue July 21 to organize a fire department on Buck Flats Road.

Canfor donated their fire truck to Buck Flats residents, so the residents are hoping to establish the level of commitment.

Newell says there will also be discussion at the barbecue about the six proposed pipelines that could cross the area, and if time permits, a discussion about  what people want to see in the future of logging, mining, and control of local resources.

Newell invites all who are interested in these topics, not just Buck Flats residents, to come to the event, and extends a special invitation to youth.

Hotdogs/hamburgers and drinks will be provided and anyone who would like to bring a dish is welcome to do so.

Tents and tables will be set up, but people are asked to bring their own chair.

The barbecue will be at Joe and Marie Kaszas (1 km south of the first bridge on Buck Flats – 15 km from the highway, on the right) at 4:30pm on Sunday, July 21.

All Nations Feast

The Houston Link to Learning Stepping Stones Project is planning an All Nations Feast August 14 at the Jamie Baxter Park.

This is one of five Stepping Stones events, funded by the Community Action Initiative, with the goal of fostering a sense of belonging and purpose for people living with or at risk for a mental illness or addiction.

Stepping Stones Coordinator Belinda Lacombe says plans are still being worked out, but there should be lots going on.

The all nations feast will have salmon, rice and vegetables from the Community Garden.

The Friendship Centre is organizing a skateboard competition to run at the park on the same day.

They’re hoping to have entertainment as well, maybe Punjabi dancers and youth playing their original beats, said Lacombe.

“[It’s] a celebration of diversity,” said Lacombe, adding that they would love to have artists or others put up displays or participate in some way in the event.

It is open to anyone to attend, and anyone interested in participating or volunteering is asked to message organizers on the Stepping Stones Facebook page or contact Belinda Lacombe at 250-845-7266 ex. 5934.

Downtown Festival

Houston merchants are planning a Downtown Merchant Festival August 17.

The merchants got approval from Houston council last week to shut down 9th Street and part of 10th Street, from Butler Ave. to halfway between Copeland Ave. and Poulton Ave.

“We just want to do something for the town,” Troy Reitsma, owner of Home Hardware said to the Houston council.

“[We want to] show that Houston is a good place to invest a business in and it’s a vibrant merchant base and there’s room to grow here,” he said.

While the event planning is still in the works, Reitsma says some of the ideas merchants are talking about is having an antique car show, buggy rides and kids inflatables.

He says they’re also planning a charity barbecue put on by the Houston Fire Department and sponsored by Home Hardware, as well as lots of merchant sales and specials.

“Petting zoo, face painting, you name it, we’re trying to do it,” said Reitsma.

Houston Mud Drags

The Nadina Offroad Society is planning Houston Mud Drags Sept. 21 at the Houston airport.

Plans are being worked out and council approved the airport use on the condition that insurance is in place before any construction begins.





Houston Today