Acton tops Lumby poll, expenses

Kevin Acton almost outspent his competitors combined to ensure he remained Lumby’s mayor.

Kevin Acton almost outspent his competitors combined to ensure he remained Lumby’s mayor.

Financial documents from November indicate Acton had expenses of $3,196 for his re-election bid while Janet Green spent $1,245 and Jim McEwan spent $2,350 in their attempts to become the mayor.

“I felt it was necessary because there was three candidates and I wanted to send a message that I wanted the position and I also wanted to separate myself from the village so I rented a place so people could come and see me,” said Acton.

Acton spent $470 on media advertising and $1,600 on signs and pamphlets.

He accepted no contributions from supporters.

“It was a lot of money out of my pocket when you think that my taxable income as mayor is $8,000 (out of a total salary of $12,000),” he said.

McEwan had $735 in contributions, with $200 coming from Colleen and Kim Ferrie, $150 from Pinnacle Communications and $100 each from Betty Stroulger and Harold Hatterscheidt.

He spent $513 on advertising and $1,560 on signs and pamphlets.

Green received $700 in contributions but they were from herself and Glenn Green.

Green’s expenses included $358 for advertising and $701 for signs and pamphlets.

Of the four candidates elected as councillors, the expenses were $633 for Lori Mindnich, $504 for Jo Anne Fisher, $360 for Nick Hodge and $214 for Randal Ostafichuk.

Among the other candidates, expenses were $430 for James Harvey, $29 for Judy Gibbs, $123 for Murray August and $486 for Elinor Turrill.



Vernon Morning Star