Adamson seeks NDP nomination in Chilliwack-Hope byelection

The Fraser Valley Regional District director for Area B wants to take his political career to the next level

Dennis Adamson is currently seeking the New Democratic Party’s nomination in the Chilliwack-Hope byelection.

The Fraser Valley Regional District director for Area B confirmed his candidacy on Friday, after previously announcing his bid for the provincial seat in April.

“I think that to affect change, I have to get to a higher position,” he said. “I just see somebody has to speak for the masses.”

Adamson said he’s tired of the BC Liberals selling off provincial resources and forcing funding on citizens through privatization. He would like to see more public input on projects before government decisions are made

Adamson also supports road improvements, water protection, high-rise condos in Hope, and a transportation system linking residents in the riding. Other priorities include upgrades to Fraser Canyon Hospital and bringing the B.C. Coroner’s Service back to Hope.

“There’s always social and environmental issues that need to be addressed,” said Adamson. “There’s a balance that needs to be maintained, but at the same time you’ve got to create work. We need economic development, especially up at this end.”

A former volunteer firefighter and member of the Yale Ratepayers’ Association, Adamson didn’t become politically active until he ran for election in Area B three years ago.

He currently sits on several committees, including the Lower Mainland Government Association, Fraser Valley Hospital Board and Fraser Valley Treaty Commission.

“I immersed myself in politics and found that at the level of electoral director, there’s many things you see and wish you could change but can’t,” he said. “I want to be the guy that fights for people to make sure they get heard. I’m always listening and always trying to learn. I’m approachable, common sense and passionate.”

Adamson feels his life experiences will help him be a good MLA that’s capable of making necessary “tough decisions.” He has lived in social housing, owned a business, and worked in various factory and government positions.

As regional director, he’s continually lobbied for cell service in the Yale area and was responsible for negotiating the garbage contract, saving residents $150,000 over five years.

No date has been set for the NDP nomination meeting.

Hope Standard