African Children's Choir plays in cowboy country

African Children’s Choir plays in cowboy country

Watoto Children's Choir: Amazing

The Watoto Children’s Choir gave an amazing one night performance at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere on Thursday, January 31, to an enthusiastic and packed house.

The choir performed their brand new album, ‘We Will Go’, a story of abandoned African children and vulnerable women who’ve been empowered to rise above their circumstances, and answer the call to be part of the new Africa – ready to make a difference in the world.

The performance, which was hosted by the Christian Life Assembly Church in Barriere, was just one stop on a six-month tour for the group. Like Africa, the production was vibrant and colourful, taking the audience on an emotional journey from utter despair to joyous celebration, as the children and women shared their personal stories of triumph in story and song.

Watoto is a family made up of people from all over the world who are working together to ensure that the forgotten have a place to belong. In a time of civil war, they started a local church in Kampala, Uganda, to speak hope and life to the nation. Since then, Watoto has placed thousands of orphans in families, empowered thousands of vulnerable women to reach their communities, rescued babies and former child soldiers, and sent children’s choirs across six continents.

As Watoto works alongside the most vulnerable in their society, their aim is to rescue individuals and raise each one as a leader in his or her sphere of life so that, in turn, they will rebuild the nation. In over 35 years, the challenges facing Africa have changed, but the Watoto vision remains the same. And, in all of this, Watoto has remained committed to celebrating Christ and caring for community.

The “We Will Go” album can be downloaded on iTunes at All proceeds made from the album go to Watoto in Uganda to provide vulnerable children and women with homes, education, medical care, and most of all the love of a family.

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Barriere Star Journal