Raindrops hang on to a pair of cables in Agassiz-Harrison. After several dry weeks, light rainfall covered the area, offering a bit of relief from wildfires, smoky air and arid conditions. (Photo/P.L. Chin)

Agassiz’s B.C. Day weekend temps fall short of records: Weather Canada

First rain in nearly 50 days fell on Aug. 1

  • Aug. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Though the B.C. Day weekend was hot, the temperatures fell just shy of record-breaking heat.

According to data from Weather Canada, temperatures soared to 35.4 C on Friday (July 30), just barely short of the 2009 record of 35.8 C. The record temperature of Monday, Aug. 2, was set in 1993 at 32.6 C. This year’s high fell a half-degree short, topping out at 31.1 C.

Just over 2 millimetres of rain fell on Aug. 1. Up until Aug. 1’s light rainfall, the last time rain was recorded in Agassiz was June 16 with 0.7 millimetres, according to Weather Canada’s almanac of averages and extremes. That’s 48 days with zero precipitation this summer.

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Further precipitation is expected throughout the weekend with rain most likely to fall on Friday (Aug. 6).

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