Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick. Facebook photo

Agree or not, we must comply with the law: Kimberley Mayor

Mayor Don McCormick shares his thoughts on the latest health orders.

Mayor Don McCormick shares his thoughts on the latest health orders.

Do I support a vaccine card? IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT I THINK – IT IS THE LAW. Refusing to conform to the law ends badly for those using refusal as a protest. Those businesses who are publicly saying they will not conform are at extreme risk of being shut down. What does that accomplish? Loss of jobs, and potentially the loss of the business if the shutdown is lengthy? And what about the 70+ percent of the population that supports the safety goal associated with the cards? If they stop going what impact will that have?

If you have a problem with the health order that has been handed down, you need to let the Premier know: Bonnie Henry is making health focused decisions that she has calculated to be in the interest of all. She has proven to be very determined once an order is handed down. I have not always agreed with her decisions. However, I have never questioned her motivation for doing what is in the best interest of all. And I would never refuse to comply with the law.

Have we forgotten that the pandemic is far from over? That the risks with COVID-19 are still very much with us? Fear has given way to annoyance. I appreciate that we all want to move on. However, we are seeing the highest case counts here since the pandemic began. We are no longer one of the lowest per capita rates in the province. We need to renew attention to protocols.

I had the pleasure of talking to a 90 year old couple who live at Garden View. They had been behind closed doors in Garden View for the better part of 18 months. Imagine. It reminded me that the primary reason for the focus on vaccinations is first and foremost to limit spread, particularly to the more vulnerable. We have close to 2000 people over the age of 65 in Kimberley who would appreciate a little personal freedom as well.

Retail staff – particularly in restaurants – have had a rough ride throughout COVID. People yelling at staff for simply enforcing the law. There is now greater fear that the vaccine cards will incite even greater abuse. Enforcement by the business is definitely not fair, but it is all that we have to work with right now.

There are no absolutes in this world – it is rare that an action aimed at society achieves 100% of its goal. It is healthy to have debate that involves differing opinions. However, if divisive lines become drawn in the sand and public laws are openly ignored it becomes a slippery slope to the detriment of the community.

Please keep it all in context. Let’s not get side-tracked. Let’s do all we can to keep our community safe, healthy and open.

Kimberley Bulletin