Airport Lands project on task

The massive infrastructure project to bring water and sewer to the Airport Lands from Castlegar is progressing according to schedule

The massive infrastructure project to bring water and sewer to the Airport Lands from Castlegar is progressing according to schedule, says Chris Barlow, director of Transportation and Civic Works for Castlegar.

“The project is going very well,” he said. “It’s progressing on schedule. Overall, we’re at about 25 per cent completion.”

Barlow said they’ve finished putting in all the augers under the highway for the water line.

“We’ve got all the water casings completed and four sewer casings to go,” he said. “The casing is just a heavy duty, hollow, steel, pipe that they pound through the material and they auger and clean the dirt out from inside of it. They slide the new water main or new sewer main inside of that pipe in case they’re are any problems, the old pipe can just be pulled out and a new one slid in its place. That way we can replace a pipe under the highway without disturbing the highway without having to cut open the roads.”

The whole project is expected to be completed by August of this year.


Castlegar News