Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District ponders livestreaming board meetings

Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District ponders livestreaming board meetings

Staff will bring back options and costs

The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District might be livestreaming their board meetings to the public in the near future.

The board instructed ACRD staff during a meeting on Wednesday, April 24 to investigate and report back on options and costs for livestreaming board meetings.

Director Cindy Solda made the motion, saying that it’s important for the public to know what’s going on in the regional district.

Director Sharie Minions said it’s an opportunity for directors who miss meetings, too. “I think it’s very valuable for our community to have a better idea of what’s going on,” she said. “I know since we got livestreaming at the city…it’s really increased the level of accountability that we hold ourselves to.”

Director Bob Beckett added that the move to livestreaming could benefit members of the public and directors who live in remote communities, such as Bamfield, and deal with travelling long distances. “I would be very interested in hearing back from staff on what that might look like,” he said.

Staff will investigate options and costs and report back to the board in the coming weeks. The cost for implementing livestreaming was not included in this year’s budget.

“It’s not going to happen overnight,” said Solda on Wednesday. “We need to know what the cost will be and what it might look like in here. There’s still lots of steps to go through.”

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