Alberni down to stage one water restrictions

Due to replenished reservoirs, the city of Port Alberni is down to stage one water restrictions.

The city of Port Alberni has stepped down to stage one water restrictions due to replenished water reservoirs.

According to the city’s waterworks department, average daily usage has dropped from 15, 118 cubic metres in June to 12,828 cubic metres in August.

Combined with the recent rainfall, levels in the city’s Lizard Lake reservoir have risen sufficiently to ease water restrictions. (

(For more information on why the prohibitions have been lifted, read the News’ story here.)

Residents may now sprinkle their lawns every other day; on odd days for odd addresses and even days for even addresses. Residents may sprinkle from either 6-9 a.m. or 7-10 p.m. To water established lawns outside of those hours, a permit must be obtained.

Vegetable gardens, decorative planters, shrubs and trees are no longer under any watering restrictions and private pools, spas and garden ponds may be filled.

Sidewalks and driveways may now be washed by hand with a spring-loaded nozzle or bucket. Washing of cars, boats and houses must still be done by hand with a spring-loaded nozzle or bucket.

For a full list of stage one-four restrictions, click here.

Alberni Valley News