Members of Starfleet Alberni Deep Space Port challenge other businesses, organizations and individuals to take on a Salvation Army kettle during the non-profit organization’s fundraising drive in December.

Members of Starfleet Alberni Deep Space Port challenge other businesses, organizations and individuals to take on a Salvation Army kettle during the non-profit organization’s fundraising drive in December.

Alberni kettle challenge is on

Starfleet Alberni Deep Space Port have adopted a kettle for the day on Dec. 3 and are asking others to do the same.

In the post-apocalyptic world of the popular television show Star Trek, Earth has overcome poverty.

Members of Starfleet Alberni Deep  Space Port—the local Star Trek fan group with a social conscience—is doing their part in real time with a challenge for other businesses and organizations to make it so in the 21st century.

Members of the small Starfleet chapter have adopted a kettle for the day on Saturday, Dec. 3 at Quality Foods, and are asking others to do the same to ensure the kettles are covered throughout the campaign.

“This is our fifth year on the kettles and third year with the challenge,” says spokesperson Gillian Shearwater. “We’re a very small group but we figured we could make a significant impact by ensuring at least one kettle is shifted for an entire day.

“There are a lot of small businesses that we figured could adopt one kettle for one day,” she said.

Kettles are typically covered from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. if sufficient volunteers are available. This year kettles will be in seven locations around Port Alberni, kettle campaign chairperson Don Bee said.

“There’s always a shortage of volunteers,” says Shearwater. “If every group in the valley covered one kettle for one day, most of the shifts would be filled.”

Call Bee at 250-723-6913 or 250-731-8167.



Alberni Valley News