Alberni Valley Community Forest presents city with $150,000

Alberni Valley Community Forest presents city with $150,000

AVCF presented a cheque for $150,000 from its 2017 revenue

  • Feb. 13, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Alberni Valley Community Forest Corporation (AVCF) continues to pay dividends for the City of Port Alberni.

Jim Sears, chair for the AVCF board of directors, was in council on Monday, Feb. 11 to present the city with a cheque for $150,000 from the forest’s 2017 fiscal operations.

Dividend funds from the community forest are placed in a reserve fund, to be used for projects benefitting the Alberni Valley as a whole. The money cannot be used for city operations.

Sears announced the funding during an earlier meeting of council on Monday, Jan. 14, noting that 2019 marks the beginning of the forest’s third five-year cut control period.

“We have just completed our second five-year cut control period and we expect to be on our target for that cut level,” he said last month.

The AVCF hopes to begin logging again late this spring.

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