Salvation Army Captain Michael Ramsey speaks at a networking conference on Food Recovery and Distribution organized by the Alberni Valley Community Foundation in Nov. 2018. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Alberni Valley Community Foundation accepting grant applications for 2021

$31,000 will be distributed to groups and individuals in the community

  • Feb. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Alberni Valley Community Foundation (AVCF) is once again accepting grant requests from local charitable organizations.

The deadline for the coming year’s grant requests is Feb. 28, 2021.

Local organizations with “charitable” status under the Federal Income Tax Act may apply for grants in the following areas: Arts and Culture, Education, Health and Physical Activity, Social Services and Environment.

The AVCF was founded in 1996 and since then has accumulated $1.12 million in its capital account as a result of donations and bequests from local individuals.

READ MORE: Alberni Valley Community Foundation ‘checks in’ with latest Vital Signs report

“Each year the investment income from the capital account is distributed to local community groups in the form of grants,” explained AVCF chair Hugh Grist.

Groups such as Family Guidance Association, Community Arts Council, Abbeyfield, Port Alberni Friendship Centre, the Bread of Life and Alberni Valley Search and Rescue have received funding in the past. Numerous scholarships are also awarded each year.

Although many local charitable organizations have had a challenging year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AVCF is still encouraging them to apply.

“Even if your group is not currently functioning at its full potential, if you have plans for programs and projects later this year when health restrictions are relaxed, we encourage you to submit an application for a grant,” said John Mayba, grants committee chair.

The first stage of the grant process requires groups to write a “letter of intent” outlining project details and budget. This is due on Feb. 28. Later, a second stage application may be requested.

Grants will be awarded at the Foundation’s AGM in May. Each year, the Foundation disperses grants from $500 to $4,000. This year approximately, $31,000 will be distributed to groups and individuals in the community.

“Making a donation or bequest to the Foundation results in tax savings to the donor, as well as leaving a perpetual legacy to our community,” said Mayba.

Details of the application process may be found at the AVCF website at Anyone wishing for information about the grant application process or the process of making a donation to the AVCF can phone John Mayba at 250-723-2638.

Alberni Valley News