Alberta thieves on Elk Valley “crime spree” in custody

Two men from Alberta who caused a crime spree in the Elk Valley have been remand into custody with charges forthcoming.

  • Aug. 8, 2015 7:00 p.m.

The two Alberta men who were arrested outside Cranbrook on Aug. 1 for committing what RCMP officials are calling a “crime spree” have been remand into custody with charges forthcoming.

RCMP staff sergeant Lorne Craig of the Elk Valley RCMP detachment said on July 31, two men in their 20s were picked up by police after receiving a tip from an eye witness in Fernie who provided authorities with a good description of the vehicle.

Craig said the males committed theft throughout the Elk Valley.

“They were travelling through in a stolen vehicle and committed all sorts of theft from vehicles, entering houses at some points, stealing goods from garages,” he said, adding they were also responsible for stealing diesel fuel from a business in Sparwood.

“They cut the lines resulting in a diesel spill which was a bit of an issue here. Several hundred litres of diesel spilt and they didn’t


Craig said the issue of the spilled diesel fuel has been cleaned up and dealt with.

Following the arrest and investigation, RCMP linked the men to 22 offenses and Craig said charges would be laid early next week.




The Free Press