Alert Bay council has decided to cancel Canada Day celebrations. ( photo)

Alert Bay council cancels Canada Day celebrations

The decision was made in wake of the mass graves being found at former residential schools

The Village of Alert Bay will not be holding Canada Day celebrations this year.

RELATED: Port Hardy council votes to cancel Canada Day celebrations

“In light of the recent events unfolding at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, and the discovery of the undocumented 215 children buried there, the council of the Village of Alert Bay feels it is appropriate to cancel the 2021 July 1 Canada Day celebration,” stated a letter posted to the village’s Facebook page. “In lieu of a Canada Day celebration, you may choose your own way of ‘honouring these children’; their families; and their communities… Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the Canadian Indigenous communities.”

The letter was signed by Mayor Dennis Buchanan, Councillor Lisanne Granger, Councillor Kane Gordon, Councillor Sandra McGregor, and Councillor Larry Hill.

The B.C. Indian Residential School Crisis Line is available at 1-800-588-8717 or at if you, or someone you know may be in need of somebody to talk to.

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