Alexis begins her bid for mayor's chair

Alexis begins her bid for mayor’s chair

Mission councillor announces her intention to run for district's top job

Mission Coun. Pam Alexis is going to run for mayor.

Alexis announced her intention to run on Wednesday in a press release which stated the “longtime community-builder has the leadership skills and insight gained in her many years of notable public service and volunteerism that are needed to help steward Mission into the future.”

Alexis, a councillor and a former school trustee, says she understands governance and the value of due process.

According to the release Alexis knows “while leadership requires accepting responsibility and making tough decisions, it also means building consensus by listening to and collaborating with knowledgeable staff, fellow officials, other governments, and all sectors of the community.”

“While I greatly respect the length of time Mr. Hawes has been in politics, the community is ready for a different style of leadership. I bring a fresh, respectful approach that will help ensure Mission moves forward in a positive way,” Alexis said.

“My love for this community is steadfast, and it is this love that has been the biggest factor in making my decision.”

Alexis represents Mission at the Fraser Valley Regional District, sits on the Stave West Leadership Team and works extensively with the district’s traffic and transit committee.

She welcomes growth but also wants to retain Mission’s warm character in the coming years.

“How we manage our growth today will determine what kind of a community we will have tomorrow. We are a community in transition. We have families who have been here for generations, and families who are new arrivals. I can be the mayor that bridges the gap between the old and the new ensuring the charm of our city is not lost in the mix.”

In her experience, the best decisions arise from collaborative, respectful dialogue with those most affected.

“I’m a good listener, I’m a team player, and I really value building good working relationships.”

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The election so far:

Pam Alexis and Randy Hawes are the only two mayoral candidates at this time.

Current councillors Jim Hinds, Carol Hamilton and Danny Plecas intend to run for another term on council.

Both Coun. Jenny Stevens and Rhett Nicholson have openly stated that they do not intend to run again.

Two newcomers to the council race, Cal Crawford and Ken Herar, have announced their intentions to run for council.

Mission City Record