Age-Friendly Planning in Trail is kicking into gear this week with the launch of a survey that is available online or in paper copy at city hall and the Aquatic Centre.
“We want to hear from a range of residents and stakeholder groups to inform the development of the age-friendly plan,” explained Trisha Davison, director of parks and recreation.
“This includes seniors, but also senior service providers, care givers, the ‘next generation of seniors,’ (meaning) people in their 30s, 40s and 50s, and residents of all ages.”
The survey is open until April 30, and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Each respondent is entered for a chance to win one of two $50 gift certificates to Trail Parks and Recreation.
The city is also hosting an Age-Friendly event on Tuesday, April 10, from 4-6 p.m. in the McIntyre Room at the Trail Memorial Centre. The community is invited for refreshments and to learn more about the project as well as to provide insight.
Davison says guests may stay for five minutes or as long as they choose, whatever their schedules allow.
An age-friendly community is a community that supports and enables older people to “age actively” – that is, to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society. An age-friendly community not only improves the quality of life for seniors, it also creates a more inclusive, safe and accessible community for everyone, including people with disabilities and families with young children.
The project is being funded entirely by the Union of BC Municipalities, whose age-friendly grants have funded 144 local government age-friendly initiatives.
Rossland and Montrose have received the same funding for Age-Friendly planning. All three communities are working with the same consultant from the Whistler Centre for Sustainability, so they can share learning between projects.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the age-friendly project, can email Trisha Davison at, or call 250.364.0852.