Almost too much sun, as derby completes first weekend

  • Sep. 17, 2012 7:00 a.m.

submitted by the Sandspit Rod and Gun Club-You can catch bigger coho but you can’t beat this weekend weather. It was almost too much sun and would have made July proud. The fishing was spotty and slow but there was enough action on the water and from the shore to keep interest up.It was also a great weekend at ‘the Shack’ as Ray K served up the hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. to keep everyone happy. The highlight had to be his Sunday sourdough pancakes as a hearty and hungry bunch showed up to get their share. It is said his Sunday breakfast is the best on Moresby Island and the other eateries won’t even compete. West Coast Resorts, through Bridgeview, donated a good deal of food items for derby use. Thanks, Don.Of course there are the fish stories that make this event what it is. First the 22-pound spring caught in Copper Bay, nice fish, wrong kind. Then the coho caught from shore that spit the hook but wrapped itself up in the line so it couldn’t get away and the group that spent more time finding the lost crab trap and no crabs then they did fishing. As stated earlier, you can catch bigger coho next weekend!1st Weekend Results1. Bill Yovanovich 13 lbs. 9 oz.2. Kim Goetzinger 11 lbs. 4 oz.3. Shain Olson 10 lbs. 3 oz.4. Carter Olson 9 lbs. 13 oz.5. Laura Hui 9 lbs. 01 oz.6. Les Wourms 8 lbs. 14 oz.7. Kole Jones 8 lbs. 12 oz.8. Flavian Mabit 8 lbs. 10 oz.9. Tyler Jones 6 lbs. 04 oz.10. Verna Hunter 5 lbs. 11 oz.Top Ladies1. Kim Goetzinger 11 lbs. 4 oz.2. Laura Hui 9 lbs. 1 oz.Juniors1. Dave Putterill 12 lbs. 12 oz.2. Justin Robinson 7 lbs. 4 oz. Weekend Winners1. Bill Yovanovich 13 lbs. 09 oz.2. Dave Putterill (junior) 12 lbs. 12 oz.20 fish were weighed in. A good turnout and lots of interest as ticket sales are doing well. Stay safe and keep the lines tight.

Haida Gwaii Observer