Amalgamation bid sparks forum

The resurgence of the ‘A’ word has brought Coldstream Ratepayers back into action

The resurgence of the ‘A’ word has brought Coldstream Ratepayers back into action.

After several years of inaction, the Coldstream Ratepayers Association (CRA) is holding  a public forum Thursday at the Women’s Institute Hall at 7:30 p.m.

The meeting will be to discuss the implications of a move towards amalgamation of Coldstream and areas B and C into Vernon, following the work of the Society for the Future Governance of Greater Vernon.

“That’s churned us into action,” said acting president Steve Heeren.

Up until now, the CRA hasn’t had a reason to  meet.

“We have such a good council now that I personally don’t feel that we need a watchdog group at this time to watch out for the public interest,” said Heeren.

Many Coldstream residents are quite content with their current governance structure, said Heeren, which is why the potential for change has brought the CRA back to the table.

“This is a potentially fighting issue.

“I’m personally totally opposed to it and most of the people out here in Coldstream are.”

Heeren says many CRA members have already looked at the implications of amalgamation and it doesn’t look good for them.

“Taxes would probably go up 10 per cent. Who wants that?

“We have everything we need out here.”


Vernon Morning Star