A public hearing on the Ancron medical clinic proposal starts at 6 p.m. today at City Hall.

A public hearing on the Ancron medical clinic proposal starts at 6 p.m. today at City Hall.

Ancron medical clinic rezoning goes to public hearing today

Neighbours' concerns will be aired at 6 p.m. at city hall.

Today at city hall at 6 p.m., the public will have an opportunity to have its say about a development planned for the three vacant lots across View Street from the emergency ward at Kootenay Lake Hospital. Dr. Andre Kirsten’s proposed Ancron medical clinic would consist of medical offices, a walk-in clinic, aesthetics clinic, dispensary, and small cafe.

When a piece of city land is proposed to be rezoned—that is, when an owner wants to change its designated use—city council must hold a public hearing  at which neighbours and other interested members of the public have an opportunity to express their opinions.

The medical clinic would consist of a 15,000-square foot two-storey building to replace Ancron’s current offices in the Nelson Trading Company on Baker St. The three View Street lots, currently zoned residential, are proposed to be rezoned to “mixed use medical,” a zoning designation the city has created specifically for this project.

There have been some concerns from neighbours about  the scale of the development, and fears that its resulting traffic and noise would change the character of the neighbourhood. Those concerns will probably be aired at tonight’s hearing.

Following the hearing, city council will make a decision on the rezoning application.











Nelson Star