And the student of the week is…

For Krista Best, life at Fort James Secondary School couldn’t be better.

  • Oct. 19, 2016 2:00 p.m.
Krista Best at Fort St. James Secondary School.

Krista Best at Fort St. James Secondary School.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

For Krista Best, life at Fort James Secondary School couldn’t be better.

The smiley 15-year-old is excited about her school year so far.

“I really enjoy soccer and volleyball. I’m on both teams at the school,” Best said.

Fort St. James Secondary High School Principal, Craig Houghton says that Best is a great student and is always eager to help.

“She just asked to help with the upcoming elementary school volleyball play day in Vanderhoof next month,” Houghton said.

Born in Terrace, Best was raised in Fort St. James with her older brother who also attends the high school and one younger sister who will be taking part in the volleyball play day.

“My sister will be playing volleyball there so it should be a lot of fun,” Best said.

Best, currently in Grade 10, is thrilled about the next few years at Fort St. James Secondary School.

“It’s a lot of fun and there are so many good programs here.”



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