Angus Reid: British Columbians focused on economy, not energy

A new poll says only one per cent of B.C. folks this energy is the most important issue, and 25 per cent voted for economy.

Environment Minister Terry Lake, seen her talking about Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline last week.

Environment Minister Terry Lake, seen her talking about Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline last week.

A new poll from Angus Reid indicates that British Columbians are sick of talking about energy. Or, if you prefer, the have no energy for it.

The Angus Reid poll (the results of which were published in Friday’s Globe and Mail) said that only one per cent of those surveyed believe “energy” is the most important issue in B.C. Like an Angus Reid poll two days ago – which said that British Columbians were “still deciding” on their position on Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline – this one surveyed 804 adults in the province.

What came in at the top? The economy, at 25 per cent, followed by health care at 19 and leadership at 12.

Of course, economic conditions and leadership debates have swirled around with energy issues, as well. Both the proposed Northern Gateway (Enbridge) and Trans Mountain (Kinder Morgan) pipelines have been front-and-center in provincial news the past little while.

Premier Christy Clark has been firm in her stance opposing Alberta premier Alison Redford, arguing that B.C. needs more economic benefit and environmental certainty if it is to allow the Gateway to continue. Her public polling has increased, but only so slightly, and a Forum Research Inc. poll form Thursday says she would receive 23 per cent of the vote, if it were held today.

Adrian Dix and the BC NDP, the poll said, would receive half the vote and 79 of 85 seats in the legislature.

Clark’s Liberals have pushed for five conditions if they are to support Enbridge’s pipeline. Dix and the NDP oppose it outright.

British Columbians? The latest polling suggests that 59 per cent of people in the province oppose it, with almost half of that saying they could change their minds.

Cloverdale Reporter