The Columbia River, a CP Rail train and Mount Begbie — is there a more stereotypical Revelstoke scene? All it needs is a skier, mountain biker and snowmobiler shredding side-by-side. Still, we thought it was a worthy scene for the Best of Revelstoke cover.

The Columbia River, a CP Rail train and Mount Begbie — is there a more stereotypical Revelstoke scene? All it needs is a skier, mountain biker and snowmobiler shredding side-by-side. Still, we thought it was a worthy scene for the Best of Revelstoke cover.

Announcing the Best of Revelstoke results

After months of speculation, rumours, gossip, betting and attempts at bribery, the results of the Best of Revelstoke reader survey are out.

This week, after months of speculation, rumours, gossip, betting and attempts at bribery, the results of the Best of Revelstoke reader survey are out.

Why did it take so long? We launched the survey more than two months ago. We published it early because we were afraid we wouldn’t get many responses. Turns out we were wrong on that count. In the end, 293 people completed surveys. That was more than expected, and as a result, it took longer to compile than expected.

There were other problems. For one, I made a terrible mistake by making all the answers completely open. This was good because it let people answer anything they wanted. This was bad, because people could answer whatever they wanted, and because people spell Paramjit’s many, many different ways. Not to mention the many ways of referring to the Village Idiot, the River City Pub and your favourite tradesperson.

Many of the results were expected, but there were some surprises. Some categories (mostly the food ones) got lots of responses, while others (those about people) got much fewer. With that, I’d say it’s pretty conclusive that the Big Eddy Pub has the best wing night, but not quite as conclusive that Scott Duke is the best politician.

Some results will simply cement what people already know (that skiing is really fun) while others will be a boon for some businesses. I expect Grizzly Auto might get a little busier and Alyssa Sanderson might pick up a few new clients.

Regardless, the survey is supposed to be fun. The winners are getting certificates and they can brag to their friends. And maybe it will inspire someone to make better nachos than the Village Idiot, in which case you can thank me later for the great public service the Best of Revelstoke survey has provided.

Check them out here:

Revelstoke Times Review