The District of Elkford has approved their 2019 Annual Municipal Report. File Photo

The District of Elkford has approved their 2019 Annual Municipal Report. File Photo

Annual Municipal Report outlines key activities for Elkford

The report was approved at the July 13, 2020 regular meeting of council in Elkford

  • Jul. 16, 2020 12:00 a.m.

At a meeting of council on July 13 in Elkford, councillors approved the District of Elkford’s 2019 Annual Municipal Report. The report outlines key activities that took place in Elkford in 2019 and documents what was accomplished by the district in the last year.

In mayor Dean McKerracher’s opening message in the document, he stated that the accomplishments included in the report are “a direct reflection of the district’s commitment to the continued enhancement of our community.”

“While we are very proud of the projects and initiatives that the district has worked on this past year, I want to offer a special note of gratitude to Elkford’s countless volunteers who continue to serve our community,” McKerracher continued. “Without your tireless efforts, living in our beautiful town would not be as fulfilling and rewarding as it is.”

The annual report then goes on to outline the various activities undertaken by five different departments within the district. General government activities, planning and development services, fire rescue and emergency services, public works department, and leisure services are all represented in the report.

Another substantial section of the document is dedicated to a progress report that examines five objectives for the District of Elkford. The first objective is having a vibrant community and data concerning the overall liveability, leisure opportunities, education opportunities and health care services is compared to 2018 in order to measure progress. The number of people who use Elkford’s recreation facilities has also been included in order to meet this objective.

Objective number two is having a sustainable community. This section compares numbers from 2015 through to 2019 on business services, public infrastructure, development processes, social support systems and industry in Elkford.

For objective number three, a safe and healthy community, public perception of community health and safety was gathered from the Citizen Satisfaction Survey and shared in the report. This section also takes into account crime statistics for the Elk Valley, and Elkford in particular.

Being a community with pride is the next objective identified in the report and a variety of strategies used throughout 2019 to increase community pride are highlighted. This includes work to beautify the community, to support community groups, and to celebrate all of Elkford’s successes.

Finally, having an effective and efficient organization is the final objective in the progress report section. Work was undertaken in 2019 to encourage pride in the district, to improve facility operations and to enhance council’s effectiveness.

Having effectively outlined activities from 2019, the document then includes a strategic direction and vision for 2020. For example, a strategic priority for 2020 is planning for the district’s 50th anniversary. This year will also prioritize support for seniors initiatives, health care and emergency essential services, new construction and infrastructure replacement and more.

The final pages of the report include the District of Elkford’s financial statements for 2019, which support the evidence of activities provided earlier in the report.

For those interested in learning more or in viewing the district’s Annual Municipal Report, visit Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Fernie Free Press