Annual school supplies campaign revs up

NANAIMO:Every year, some Nanaimo students come to school in September with no binders, pens or paper to write on.

  • Aug. 18, 2012 5:00 a.m.

Every year, some Nanaimo students come to school in September with no binders, pens or paper to write on.

Every year, some Nanaimo students come to school in September with no binders, pens or paper to write on.

Some don’t have jackets or proper shoes, so they sit in class all day with wet clothing or feet, some won’t have glasses even though they can’t see the board, or they will be too hungry to concentrate on what the teacher is saying.

Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation aims to give these students the start they deserve through its annual Stock the Lockers campaign.

“Some families are able to make ends meet on a day-to-day basis, but any new expense that comes up, they can’t meet it,” said Erin van Steen, foundation executive director. “[The campaign is about] meeting basic needs so when kids come to school, all they have to concentrate on is learning.”

The campaign kicked off Thursday and runs until Sept. 6. Donations can be made at the checkout of any Staples location, at any Coastal Community Credit Union branch in the city and at the HSBC branch on Aulds Road. People can also donate online at or by calling the foundation office at 250-753-4074.

The goal is to raise $50,000. A good portion of the money goes toward buying school supplies – last year the foundation spent about $20,000 on supplies – with the remainder going into the foundation’s student support fund to assist vulnerable children with items such as bus passes, clothing, food vouchers, sports program fees and glasses.

Last year, the campaign raised about $44,000, short on its $60,000 goal. Van Steen said this year’s goal has dropped a bit in reflection of that.

For more information about the foundation, please go to

Some will not have jackets or proper shoes, so they sit in class all day with wet clothing or feet, some won’t have glasses even though they can’t see the board, or they will be too hungry to concentrate on what the teacher is saying.

Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation aims to give these students the start they deserve through its annual Stock the Lockers campaign.

“Some families are able to make ends meet on a day-to-day basis, but any new expense that comes up, they can’t meet it,” said Erin van Steen, foundation executive director. “[The campaign is about] meeting basic needs so when kids come to school, all they have to concentrate on is learning.”

The campaign kicked off Thursday and runs until Sept. 6. Donations can be made at the checkout of any Staples location, at any Coastal Community Credit Union branch in the city and at the HSBC branch on Aulds Road. People can also donate online at or by calling the foundation office at 250-753-4074.

The goal is to raise $50,000. A good portion of the money goes toward buying school supplies – last year the foundation spent about $20,000 on supplies – with the remainder going into the foundation’s student support fund to assist vulnerable children with items such as bus passes, clothing, food vouchers, sports program fees and glasses.

Last year, the campaign raised about $44,000, short on its $60,000 goal. Van Steen said this year’s goal has dropped a bit in reflection of that.

For more information about the foundation, please go to

Nanaimo News Bulletin