Last year, 22 kiosks (11 BC Hydro utility boxes and 11 city-owned traffic kiosks) were wrapped with lively images to deter vandalism — and it’s working. Seen here is a wrapped one outside the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. (Jenna Hauck/ Progress File)

Last year, 22 kiosks (11 BC Hydro utility boxes and 11 city-owned traffic kiosks) were wrapped with lively images to deter vandalism — and it’s working. Seen here is a wrapped one outside the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. (Jenna Hauck/ Progress File)

Anti-graffiti wraps are working well in Chilliwack

Ugly kiosks transformed in Chilliwack with beautiful images of nature

Drab utility kiosks have been beautified with brightly coloured wraps across Chilliwack.

The kiosk-wrapping program has effectively cut graffiti vandalism significantly, which is the aim, aside from improved esthetics.

A staff report at city hall last week makes it clear the program is working to thwart taggers.

Kiosks draped in busy images or patterns are “far less likely” to see graffiti, according to studies cited by staff in a report to council.

“Most of the kiosks wrapped in 2016 were located in high graffiti target areas and in the last 12 months, since wrapping, none of the 24 wrapped kiosks have seen graffiti,” continued the report.

“This confirms that not only is a wrapped kiosk is more pleasing to the eye, but also that a wrapped kiosk is an effective a deterrent to graffiti vandals.”

City of Chilliwack is moving into the second year of its anti-graffiti program, launched in partnership with BC Hydro.

Beautiful images of flowers and trees from parks and trails around the community can now be seen decorating the boxes and kiosks.

Council approved plans last week for 2017 wraps, concentrating on 12 city-owned kiosks, in high-profile locations around the city, as well as 13 BC Hydro kiosks.

“The 2017 themes are intended to promote Chilliwack’s parks, trails and outdoor spaces and to encourage people to get out and walk to visit some of these wonderful outdoor spaces,” according to the staff report of Aug. 1.

BC Hydro also provided some funding and graffiti removal materials including paint, decals and anti-graffiti wipes, under the Graffiti Removal Agreement to support the local effort to remove graffiti.

In order to ensure each wrap enhances the spot it will be placed in, the design or photo goes through an approval process by the Public Art Advisory Committee, Chilliwack Council and BC Hydro.

Chilliwack Progress