Anti-Semitic and homophobic material posted in downtown Rossland

During the weekend of Nov. 26 and 27, Rossland residents found anti-Semitic and homophobic material posted downtown.

During the weekend of Nov. 26 and 27, Rossland residents found anti-Semitic and homophobic material posted downtown.

The posters were also derogatory toward liberals and feminists, and though a man from Idaho claims authorship of two of the posters, it’s not clear who put them up.

“I think it’s pretty disgusting,” said Mayor Kathy Moore. “I think it’s very unfortunate and I don’t condone it or want to see it in our town at all or anywhere.”

Whoever is responsible doesn’t appear to have limited their activities to Rossland. Trail RCMP received a report of similar material being left on a car windshield outside the Trail Canadian Tire on Nov. 28.

“The complainant didn’t see who was handing out the material,” said Cpl. David Orr of the Trail RCMP.

He said he’s never heard of this happening before.

Orr was asked whether or not this type of activity was illegal, but hadn’t responded to the News by deadline.


Rossland News