Across Abbotsford, neighbours are helping neighbours. This message, offering help to those self-isolating, was posted in a local apartment building.

Across Abbotsford, neighbours are helping neighbours. This message, offering help to those self-isolating, was posted in a local apartment building.

Anxious about COVID-19? Here are stories of Abbotsford residents coming together

Neighbours help neighbours adjust to life in a COVID-19 world

The spread of a virus across the globe has created (understandable) anxiety and stress for many people.

Abbotsford Mayor Henry Braun said Tuesday that “We as a community have to look out for one another. I gain my strength from my neighbour’s strength. And I think that’s something we’re going to do a lot of in the next little while.”

Indeed, this crisis has also sparked the best in humanity. On Tuesday, we asked you for ways you’ve seen neighbours, friends and families come together in this unprecedented time. Here are some of the responses.

Some respondents mentioned Facebook groups that people are using to connect with their neighbours. We’ll have a separate story on that and link to that in this story (please be patient).

We hope to keep doing this. If you have something to share, please post a comment on the Facebook post embedded below. You may also email Include any photos you might also want to share.

Keep in mind, we may use what you send us in print and online.


Tammy Grant:

This message was posted in my condo:

If you are elderly or immune-compromised and need support while self-isolating, please text ____ at ____. Or come knock at unit __. We are happy to help where we can. For example:

  • Lysol wipes/emergency toilet paper
  • Help you learn how to order things online
  • Teach you skype or facetime so you can stay in contact with family
  • Take your garbage out
  • Have a conversation if you are lonely

All help is free. We just want to help.

Stay safe everyone.


Danielle Bremner:

I am a director of a brand new dance studio in Abbotsford & grew up in the dance industry my whole life. The dance world is quite enormous and the sense of ‘community’ and outpouring of love is unreal! Famous dancers from all over the world are hosting ‘Free Online Classes’ to allow the dancers to continue to move. There has been several ‘dance challenges’ to keep the kids engaged and their positivity is one for the books.

For this I am eternally grateful


Amanda Sauve:

There was a wonderful women at the clearbrook save on pharmacy on friday who allowed me to go ahead of her to pay for my older sons vitamins so I didnt have to wait in the crazy line ups with my 1 month old. I’m so thankful for her, I would have been late to pick my oldest up from school otherwise


Rebecca Horch:

Abby Covid Care Group here on Facebook is collecting items and monetary donations to donate to the elderly. Items are being collected at q living furniture in Abbotsford and will be distributed by home care nurses. Go here to join the group to find out how you can help or message


Kathleen Mcleod:

Several homes are putting shamrocks on their windows today so kids can go on a scavenger hunt by foot or car.

Josie Mclean:

We have ours up. The kids also made a chalk obstacle course on the side walk!!!


Mary MacDonald

I was one of the unlucky, (lucky) ones from the DIAMOND PRINCESS. When we were in Cornwall for two weeks the RED CROSS were so helpful. From mental support to a pencil sharpener for my drawing, I had one but lost it on the cruise ship. When leaving we were greated by all that helped while in quartine, only minus all their protective gear. I can’t say enough about how impressed with the RED CROSS.


Katy Kat

I am really enjoying seeing the videos from Spain and Italy of mucisians playing from there balconies


Elizabeth Faith Castillo

I work for a character company here in Chilliwack that does events/parties for kids and I am personally offering free virtual princess parties with Snow White this weekend


Chelsea Smith

The amount of people out there willing to provide people in need supplies from their OWN HOMES is absolutely heartwarming.

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on?

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