Apex Mountain Resort’s live webcam shows the mountain has received its first snow of the 2020-21 ski season. (Apex Mountain Resort)

Apex Mountain Resort’s live webcam shows the mountain has received its first snow of the 2020-21 ski season. (Apex Mountain Resort)

Apex Mountain Resort receives first snowfall of season

Dust off your skis or board!

  • Oct. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The first snow of the season has fallen on Apex Mountain Resort.

The resort’s website is reporting 25 cm of fresh snow in the last 48 hours and 16 cm in the last 24 hours.

The dusting of snow can be seen on the resort’s live webcam.

The snow is expected to continue throughout the week, with up to 9 cm falling overnight and scattered flurries through the rest of the week at mid-mountain elevation, according to snow-forecast.com.

Last season’s opening day at Apex was Dec. 7, 2019.

This year they are aiming for a Dec. 5 opening day, according to resort owner James Shalman.

READ MORE: What to expect skiing this year at Apex Mountain Resort

READ MORE: First snow falls at Revelstoke Mountain Resort

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