All special events must follow current COVID-10 restrictions and health protocols. (blue2finger/Pixabay)

Application for special event liquor permits gets easier amid COVID-19 reopening

Effective Sept.21, all special event permit applicants must use new online portal

  • Sep. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Effective Tuesday (Sept. 21), those wanting to serve alcohol at community festivals, family gatherings and other private functions in B.C. can now apply online, designed to speed up the application process.

Using the new portal by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch will be the only way to apply for the special permit moving forward, replacing the previous portal.

The B.C. government said in a statement that in many cases, applicants will be approved immediately.

Applicants need either a BCeID or a BC Mobile card and can visit the new website for details on how to get one of these electronic identity options.

Those who have approved applications but unpaid special event permits as of Tuesday must pay and download their details through the old online system before it is disconnected on Oct. 4.

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