Approval given for bulletin board

TNRD continues to send letters to property owners in order to resolve right-of-way issues regarding the Blue River water system

Members of the Thompson Headwaters (TNRD Area B) services committee pose for a picture on the steps of the Avola School community hall last Tuesday afternoon. Pictured are (back, l-r) Rui Dykeman, Charmaine Schenstead, Conrad Cameron, (middle, l-r) services coordinator Sherri Madden, Jean McRobert, (front, l-r) Dustin Deuling, director Willow MacDonald and Karen Bruce. Missing from the photo are Shelley Tobin and Leigh Budgell.

Members of the Thompson Headwaters (TNRD Area B) services committee pose for a picture on the steps of the Avola School community hall last Tuesday afternoon. Pictured are (back, l-r) Rui Dykeman, Charmaine Schenstead, Conrad Cameron, (middle, l-r) services coordinator Sherri Madden, Jean McRobert, (front, l-r) Dustin Deuling, director Willow MacDonald and Karen Bruce. Missing from the photo are Shelley Tobin and Leigh Budgell.

Members of the Thompson Headwaters (TNRD Area B) services committee covered a lot of ground during their meeting Tuesday afternoon at Avola School community hall.

Approval was given to locating a bulletin board at the hall for Avola residents.

Locating one near the mailboxes would require getting permission from Highways plus construction of a shelter, Area B services coordinator Sherry Madden said.

The bulletin board will be used to post the service committee’s minutes, plus have space available for notices from the public.

Maintenance jobs to be posted

Advertisements to run the beachhouse concession at Lake Eleanor in Blue River, as well to do janitorial/maintenance at the beachhouse, will be posted soon, Madden reported.

A groundskeeping/maintenance position for the Avola parks, cemetery and schoolhouse grounds will also be advertised. There was some discussion that the position should go to a local person but Madden said it would not be possible to guarantee that.

Blue River water woes

Thompson-Nicola Regional District continues to send letters and legal documents to property owners in order to resolve right-of-way issues regarding the Blue River water system, Madden said.

The issues date back to when the town was mostly operated by CNR. Waterlines were laid wherever was most convenient at the time, without regard to property boundaries.

Now, when the waterlines need to be replaced or upgraded, numerous conflicts are coming to light.

One person present at Tuesday meeting, for example, apparently has a main waterline that needs to be replaced running under his workshop.

Preliminary discussions have begun with a local well servicing company regarding replacing a disabled pump for the Blue River water system.

Looking for tourism photos

Development of a new website is underway, Madden said.

High-resolution photographs are needed for the website and for future tourism brochures.

Looking at mosquito control

TNRD staff is sending her an information package regarding mosquito control, Thompson Headwaters director Willow MacDonald reported

“If we choose to pursue having mosquito control in Blue River it would have to go to a referendum to add the service,” she said. “Even if I had picked up the ball, so to speak, the day after I was sworn in, in December 2011, the soonest possible control could occur is in 2013.”

Looking at the budgets for mosquito control in Area A (Wells Gray Country) and other areas, the cost likely would be about $168,000 for one season, she felt.


Clearwater Times