April 19 Castlegar Council highlights

Light agenda at last meeting before byelection

  • Apr. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Castlegar city council’s April 19 committee of the whole and regular council meetings both had relatively short agendas without any major decisions on the table.

The meetings were the final ones scheduled before the byelection on April 24 to fill vacant mayor and council seats.

Meeting highlights:

• Destination Castlegar shared a presentation on its current and upcoming work.

• Council recognized the great work of the Castlegar Hospice Society Executive Director, Suzanne Lehbauer, who has been awarded a 2020 BC Health Care Hero merit award.

• Council supported lighting the Kinnaird overpass blue and green during May for Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.

• Council gave Revenue Anticipation Bylaw No. 1351 a first, second, and third reading. This bylaw allows the city to access short-term financing, in the form of a line of credit, with the Municipal Finance Authority, to cover operating expenses until the city receives its major source or revenue, property taxes, later in the year.

• Council received an operational update from Castlegar & District Community Services on the temporary warming shelter at the Flamingo Hotel.

PREVIOUS: March 29 city council highlights

READ MORE: City of Castlegar purchases downtown building for housing and relocating Kootenay Gallery

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