Local doctors and nurses can now treat patients via phone or video. (File photo)

Local doctors and nurses can now treat patients via phone or video. (File photo)

Area doctors offer virtual treatment in addition to in-person visits

Message comes from Central Island Division of Family Practice

  • Apr. 10, 2020 12:00 a.m.

To help patiens stay safe from COVID-19, and to ensure that doctors and office staff stay safe, local physicians are now providing care virtually, via video or phone.

The lead physician for Central Island Division of Family Practice, Dr. Mark Morris, indicated this in a press release:

“We know that a lot of people are concerned about going to their physician’s office or going to the emergency room during this difficult time, but we want to emphasize how important it is for people to make sure they are receiving ongoing care from their family doctor,” he said.

“Through virtual care, we can ensure our patients are able to access the care they need for most conditions. Virtual care enables us to treat patients and, if necessary, to prescribe medication.

“If an in-person visit is needed, our offices will arrange that too, in a way that will be safe.

“It is important during this challenging time that you continue to address your medical issues with your family doctor or nurse practitioner as much as possible, especially if you have a chronic condition.

“Receiving care from the doctor who knows you best, and who is familiar with your medical history ensures this information is taken into account. Booking a virtual care appointment is easy. Call your family physician or nurse practitioner’s office and they will walk you through this process every step of the way.”

With disruptions in the supply chain of essential safety gear, the CIDFP has been re-supplying family practitioners and nurse practitioners in Parksville, Qualicum Beach and Port Alberni with donations of gloves, surgical masks, N95 masks, and hand sanitizer. Anyone wishing to donate can contact Sharon Todd, program manager, at 250-937-0611.

READ MORE: Up-to-date coronavirus coverage here

— Submitted

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