Area schools linked

There will be a fibre optic link between Pleasant Valley Secondary School and Len Wood Middle School.

The North Okanagan-Shuswap School District plans to proceed with a fibre optic link between Pleasant Valley Secondary School and Len Wood Middle School.

“The school district has been looking at options and the feasibility for a number of years that would allow improvements to their information technology system between facilities in Armstrong,” said City of Armstrong public works manager Tim Perepolkin.

To provide the school district with the approval to install and maintain their proposed fibre optic link, the city unanimously agreed to enter into an agreement with the school district to allow their proposed infrastructure within the public road right-of-way.

The installation of the proposed fibre optic cable conduit will be directional drilled, and will have no impact on any existing utility infrastructure or city road.

Installation is expected to begin in the spring.


Vernon Morning Star